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Top reviews from the United States There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Reviewed in the United States on October 2, 2013 Verified Purchase While the movie doesn't lay out the definitive aspects of love addiction in a didactic way, they are obvious. My only issue, as a clinician, is that this mostly shows only the extremes of addictive behavior. My concern with this is that people who watch it to gauge their own behavior may end up ignoring warning signs and not seek help. That said, I use this in my groups as a discussion tool - bringing some of the "extreme" behaviors into a milder light to see where they might be occurring on a more silent/insidious level for my clients. My favorite, perhaps because it is so heartfelt, is the lady who lives alone and who's "relationships" consist of her "boyfriend" inviting others over to have sex with her... This being the standard of intimacy that she has set as what she can rightfully expect and deserves. This is the one character that makes my clients the most uncomfortable.

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She says she accepts and understands the necessary steps taken against Covid-19, but still complains about every so little new thing thats talked about in the government. My step-father sadly is anti-mask. Talks some bullshit about the government trying to controll people, infringe on their rights and how masks don't work etc. Of course, all these fucking governments of different countries, who fight over the smallest and most unimportant things all suddenly agree to lie about a virus, just so they can fuck with their people. Fuck this shit. My mother starts to shift towards his sight of things, which worries me. Theres also the thing that she is kind of in poor health. She had many surgerys (something in the shoulder, brain tumor, thyroid, wrist, etc) and is a little impaired in everyday tasks. Of course, she has some pains and aches. But the thing is, shes always blaming everything on her health. Forgot something? Uhhh, I had a headache and must have forgotten. Didn't listen properly?

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Yet without Woody, the Toy Story ensemble loses not only its narrative anchor, but also the thematic tether we've come to identify with the franchise (at least in its feature films). Bonnie's room will of course still have a leader. It will have its conscience, its rescue missions, its occasional bouts of existential panic about a plaything's purpose. Audiences will likely return to Bonnie's room before we know it, with holiday specials and shorts sure to be on the horizon (especially now that Forky is a bona fide star). But what Bonnie's toys won't have is Woody. The disruption of his departure doesn't just demand a question of whether a fifth film could be made (of course! ) or should be made (of course not! ), but begs us to consider whether the shape of any hypothetical sequel would be fundamentally accepted or rejected by audiences were it to either not have a Woody or not have an Everyone Else. (Because if an eventual Toy Story 5 does immediately bring Woody back together with Bonnie's room, then everything is meaningless and we all deserve to be incinerated in a landfill anyway. )

Kanon se enojó, le dio el último trago a su cerveza, se levantó para dirigirse a la pista de baile justo en el lugar donde están la pareja, el tomo a una chica del brazo — ¿quieres bailar? Grito él a la joven chica de pelo negro bailando, ella lo volteo a ver y sin decir nada solo se puso en frente de él y empezó a mover todo su cuerpo al ritmo de la música junto con su nueva pareja de baile. —¡mira! — dijo Mascara de la muerte, señalando a Kanon y a la chica. ¡Vaya! —hasta que se empieza a divertir— comento Milo al ver al Gemineano bailando con esa chica sexy. La chica empezó a acercarse más a Kanon, el solo bailaba al ritmo de la música, pero sin querer el cuerpo de Alexandra lo golpeo, ella levanto la vista para pedir disculpas, pero se dio cuenta de que el cuerpo al que había pegado sin querer, era el de aquel hombre que hace unos momentos estaba sentado en la barra del bar. Que bien bailas— le dijo Aioros a Alexandra — ¡gracias! — grito ella sonriéndole La chica de pelo negro puso sus manos sobre el pecho musculoso del joven griego, el no hizo nada y siguió bailando, Alexandra noto que la chica empezaba toquetearlo.

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